Town Of Wallace

Telephone 910.285.4136


donated by Wilmington businessman and historian, Gene Merritt and his brother, John in memory of their mother, Rosa Farrior Merritt, who grew up in Rose Hill. Later, it was dedicated in memory of Stephen Almond Herring, Atlantic Coast Line Freight Conductor from 1931-1954, and Thomas Colston Edgerton, pioneer of the Wallace Depot restoration which was completed in 2007. The caboose provided the train crew with a shelter at the rear of the train. The conductor kept records and handled business from a table or desk in the caboose and for longer trips, the caboose provided minimal living quarters.

Postal Car

1947 Railway Post Office (RPO) was donated in 2012 by Mark Vaughn with help from Donald Starling, Grey Tuttle and CSX Transportation. The purpose of these train cars was to separate mail en route, in order to speed delivery. The RPO was staffed by trained Railway Mail Service postal clerks and was off-limits to the passengers. The color scheme comes from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (1900-1960).


was purchased from CSX in Florida for $2,500 with some assistance from Len Whitehead, Manager, Investment Recovery, CSX Transportation. The boxcar is an enclosed railroad car used to haul freight and lading that needed at least a little protection from the outside elements.