Town Of Wallace

Telephone 910.285.4136

Thelma Dingus Bryant Library

The Thelma Dingus Bryant Library offers over 37,000 items including:

  • Fiction and non-fiction books
  • Best sellers
  • Videos and DVDs
  • Audio books
  • Magazines and newspapers
  • 5 public access computers
  • Wireless Internet
  • Limited Spanish and Bilingual items
  • Online  Services

*We are not part of the Duplin County Library system, all items that are checked out here, need to be returned here.

Checkout Policies

  • 5 items per card per time can be checked out
  • Checkout period is two weeks
  • .10 cent per item/per day late fee
  • If a book is lost or damaged, contact us immediately
  • Renewals can be made by phone, online,  email, or in person
  • If an item is on your card, you are responsible

Jennifer Raynor



Send An Email
P: 910.285.3796 | F: 910.378.4118

Current Hours

Monday -Friday: 8am-6pm



409 W Main St.
Wallace NC 28466

Library History

The Town of Wallace has a long tradition of providing public access to books and general information. The Wallace Woman’s Club, a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, started the library in 1933. Several locations were used for this purpose including the Woman’s Club Clubhouse, private homes, a rented room, a small log cabin, and in 1940 one wing of the current Woman’s Club Building.

In February 1964, Branch Bank and Trust Company donated its recently vacated building to the Town of Wallace to be used as a library. The three groups that were most instrumental in carrying out this project were BB&T, J.P. Stevens Company and the Wallace Rotary Club. Many other businesses, organizations, and individuals donated time, books and money to improve the library. In July 1964, the Town Board appointed a Board of Trustees and the library became an official Town Library.

In 1969, the family of Thelma Dingus Bryant gave the Town of Wallace a beautiful new building in her memory in which to house the library, thus the current name of the library.

From 1969 to the present the numbers of volumes has increased from 6,000 to 35,000. Many individuals and organizations such as the Town of Wallace, BB&T, the Wallace Woman’s Club, the Wallace Junior Woman’s Club, the Wallace Rotary, the Bryant Family, and the Friends of the Library have and still contribute generously to maintaining the quality of the library. Today, the library offers many services besides checking out books to the public. Audio books, large print books, videos, magazines and newspapers are available. Internet access is provided along with printing services. Copying, laminating and faxing are also available.

Borrowing Library Materials

Apply for a Library Card

Your first Thelma Dingus Bryant Library Card is free.
  • Come in to the library to apply
You must be age 18 or older to get a library card. For patrons under 18, a parent or guardian must be present to sign for the child. (Please note: we are not part of the Duplin County Library System, therefore you need to have a card here to borrow items).

Guidelines for Borrowing Materials

  • There is a limit of 5 items per library card
  • All items can be checked out for 14 days

Fees & Renewing Materials

Overdue materials are charged $0.10 per day. You can renew a book by:
  • Coming into the library
  • Calling the library at 910-285-3796
  • Email (be sure to include your name and library card number if available)

Friends of the Library

It is membership time again for the Friends of the Library. The Friends of the Library provides the Thelma Dingus Bryant Library with additional funds. Without these funds the library would not be able to offer the books that it does. The Friends also helps with shelving and furniture needs. Since the Library is funded by the Town of Wallace, it is vital to have outside funding needs.

To become a friend of the library, you can stop by the library or download the The Friends of the Library Donation Form. We hope that you consider becoming a Friend of the Library.

Thanks for your support of the Library!

Library Services


  • Printing and copying are available.
  • B/W one sided per page: .25 cents
  • Double sided B/W per page: .40 cents
  • Color one sided per page: .50 cents
  • Double sided color per page: .90 cents


One can receive or send faxes

Fax number: 910-378-4118

  • Fax: $2.00 for first page
  • Fax: $1.00 per page thereafter
  • Scans: $1.00 per page

Laminating/Other Services

$1.00 per 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet

  • Notary: $10.00 per signature
  • Passport Application Fees: $35.00 (beginning 05/22/2023 by appointment only)
  • Overdue Fines: .10 per book per day
  • Used Books & Magazines: Varies from .25 to $1.00

Magazines, Newspapers and Online Resources

We offer an assortment of magazines and newspapers such as the Wilmington Star News and the Duplin Times and many news sources from across the USA through our online services. Use your library card to access a wide range of news, genealogical and historical resources and archives.

Follow the Links below and use the letter “P” followed by your library card number for access.  

Use your Library Card to Access newspapers and other news sources from across the Country
Use your Library Card to access news resources about Black Life in America
User your Library Card to access genealogical research resources and tools
Explore the North Carolina Digital Collections from the State of North Carolina Archives
Search Newspapers to Find the Wallace Enterprise editions from 1938-1951

Quest Card Catalog
