Town Of Wallace

Telephone 910.285.4136

Fishing Pass Prices

  • Daily Pass:
    $5.00 (covers ages 13 and up)
  • Weekend Pass:
    $10.00 (covers family of 4)
  • Monthly Pass:
    $20.00 (covers a family of 4)
  • Yearly Pass
    $45.00 (covers a family of 4)

Ages 16 & older must have a fishing permit. All fishing permits include a family of 4. A weekend permit covers Saturday and Sunday only.

Fishing and boating permits are issued at Town Hall. Questions can also be directed to the Parks & Rec office.


  • Fishing/Boating hours: Sunrise-sunset.
  • Fishing/Boating is by Town of Wallace permit only. Permits may be purchased at town hall.
  • Canoes and kayaks and electric motors only. No gas powered watercraft of any kind allowed on the pond.
  • Anyone boating must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life vest at all times.
  • No swimming.
  • No pets allowed in the pond.
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult while boating.
  • One pole per person only.
  • No net fishing allowed.
  • No cleaning of fish on pond or park property.